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But what does the Lord require of you?

To do justice, love kindness and walk in step with Him.

-Micah 6:8

Cover Image for Who We Are

Dr. Greg Smith is the founder and President of InStep™, an Atlanta-based, faith-based non-profit organization with strategic global international influence. InStep™'s network includes partners worldwide with reach to over 100 nations that impact more than one billion people.

Dr. Greg Smith
Dr. Greg Smith

Our Mission

Cover Image for Global Impact

Global Impact

Global community impact and service is at the heart of Instep™. From leadership seminars in China to mission trips in Costa Rica, Instep™ is dedicated to fostering change and integrity worldwide. Join us as we explore how small faithful steps can lead to significant transformations in both local and global communities. Each mission, each connection, each experience helps sow seeds of hope and growth, making a lasting difference in countless lives for the Gospel.

Dr. Greg Smith
Dr. Greg Smith
Cover Image for Short Term Missions Trips

Short Term Missions Trips

Instep™ International is committed to linking resources that matter throughout the world. A significant aspect of that are short term mission trips. Instep™ provides the blueprint for churches, business leaders, and students, to endeavor in mission projects with our Key Church Partners both in the USA and around the world. These short-term missions trips focus on philanthropic work throughout the world with days built in to enjoy and see different aspects of the location.

Dr. Greg Smith
Dr. Greg Smith
Cover Image for Global Partners

Global Partners

Instep™ International partners with key ministries and churches around the world to fulfill the Great Commission.

Dr. Greg Smith
Dr. Greg Smith
Cover Image for Executive Coaching and Leadership Development

Executive Coaching and Leadership Development

InStep™ International empowers leaders through personalized executive coaching and strategic leadership development programs. Cooperations and firms throughout the United States have leveraged Instep™’s coaching model to build corporate vision and values.

Dr. Greg Smith
Dr. Greg Smith